5-piece cocktail set - MO2293
netto / szt*
Description: Cocktail kit in cotton pouch with string. Including 5 piece: a double-sided measuring jigger (15 & 30 ml), wooden muddler, cocktail strainer, drink stirrer and waiter's corkscrew knife.
Dimension: 26X23CM
Print: Grawerowanie laserowe, Sitodruk, Transfer sitodruk, Transfer cyfrowy
Print size: 100x15 mm, 18x30 mm, 20x20 mm, 80x10 mm, 200x100 mm
The price given is indicative, does not include printing costs and depends on the quantity of the priced goods, the marking technique and the number of printing colours, the marking technique and the number of printing colours.
We encourage you to submit inquiries!
MateriałMetal / Aluminium
Size23cm x 0cm x 26cm
Single packageNo data