DTG (Direct to Garment) marking is a modern printing method used mainly in the textile industry. It involves directly applying ink to the fabric using a special DTG printer. This technology allows for precise and full-color printing on various types of materials, especially clothing. DTG marking is valued for its speed, design flexibility and ability to reproduce complex patterns, making it a popular solution in the fashion, promotion and textile personalization industries.

DTG advantages:

  • Good ink adhesion - in the case of DTG printing, the ink adheres well to the fabric, which guarantees the durability and strength of the prints.
  • Low waste - DTG generates less waste compared to some traditional printing methods, which can be beneficial from an environmental perspective.
  • Precision of detail - DTG prints are known for their precision of detail, which makes them ideal for reproducing small elements and complex patterns.
  • Full-color prints - DTG technology allows for the creation of full-color and high-quality prints, which allows for accurate reproduction of even complex patterns.

Examples applications: 

advertising gadgets with dag print
